Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Self Symbol GIF

My concept is craziness. Many of my friends would describe me as crazy so that is what I conveyed through my gif. I arrived at this idea because I wanted to create something that shows how I can change through my features. Since my hair is one of my most obvious, I decided to make it transform. My images transform from being put together and serious as I have a neat bun and straight face to my bun falling out and getting bigger. In addition, my serious face turned into being brighter and happier. 

My original idea of this gif was more simple. I have made it more complex by adding facial features and highlights to the hair. Also, I definitely enhanced my gif by using multiple colors.  

Monday, November 23, 2015

The Evolution of Fashion

                                                               Final image right above
My concept is the evolution of fashion. Each person on the runway represents a specific time period in history. As you can see, the opacity of each person changes. The more translucent the person is, the less relevant the fashion is in society. The farthest person away represents 1920's fashion and specifically the fashion for "flappers"(a fashionable young woman intent on enjoying herself and flouting conventional standards of behavior). The second woman farthest away represents the elegant fashion in the 1950's. The third woman represents patterns and bold colors in the 1970's and the closest person represents the swimwear fashion in the 2000's. As the years go by, you may notice that woman are wearing less and bolder clothing as a sign of self expression. 
I am happy with my results. While I was able to show the changes of fashion, this project reflected my skills in graphic design. As a beginner I feel like I'm already improving even though things aren't perfect.I am satisfied! 
One of the tools that I used a lot in my project was the clone stamp tool. The original background image included two models already on the runway. At first, I tried to cover one of the models with the swimwear model I pasted in. You can see this above in photo #2. To get rid of the model from the background, I used the clone stamp tool. By doing so, I cloned the color of the runway, and erased the model. As the upper body was still visible, I cloned the audience as well as the grey/black above them so the background didn't look blank. Then I used the stone clamp tool again to make the empty space above the audience black. This helped emphasize the models and made them bolder. In addition, the original background image had a logo where the models were coming out from. I wanted to get rid of this so I used the clone stamp tool to make that entire space white. This also made the models look bolder. 

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Letter Project Reflection

  1. Describe your process. How was the process helpful or not so helpful to you? Show us your brainstorming ideas and thumbnail sketches. How did you arrive with your concept/idea for your letter? Did the peer feedback help? Show us your brainstorming ideas, thumbnail sketches, and two drafts. 
  2. What did you do to represent your concept visually in your design? (Give 2 examples and post close up and full design images) 
  3. What was the most challenging aspect of this project for you? Why?
  4. Are you satisfied with your project?   Explain your answer.
  5. If you can change anything about your design, what would you change or do differently?
1) The overall process for the letter project was significantly helpful. After brainstorming more than 20 ideas, I was able to narrow down my choices. I ended up choosing my favorite thumbnail sketch. Originally, I wanted to work with my first idea, but when I brainstormed and drew my two drafts, I ended up with a totally new idea. My finished project ultimately displayed my best efforts. 

2) To represent my concept, I made an umbrella. This is a perfect J design. Also, I incorporated flowers on the design so that there can be a sense of happiness. In addition, the background was blue to also incorporate positivity. You can see the details in the first question. 
3) The most challenging aspect of this assignment was making everything proportioned. I had to use the ruler  throughout the whole time. However, my work turned out to be a success. 
4) Yes, I am satisfied with my product. The colors definitely accentuate the theme of happiness. Although use use an umbrella when it is raining and gloomy outside, the colors and flowers give the image a more positive view. 
5) I don't think I would change anything in this project. I am very satisfied as everything is proportioned and colored in. My product is very appealing to the eye. 

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Me and my summer

My name is Priscilla Pappas. I am from New York City, born and raised, and I am currently attending Millennium High School. At age 16, I enjoy doing a bunch of things; hanging out with friends, running, shopping, and getting involved with my community!

This is my summer in three pictures!
 In august, I went to Las Vegas for a few weeks to visit my dad since he lives there. I went to the pool, tanned a lot and went to Lake Mead which was so relaxing. Vegas may seem like only a party scene to many, but to me it's a way to escape from all the stress and relax in a suburban environment.
 During the summer,  I also interned at a fashion store called Vfiles. It was honestly a ton of work! I worked from 10:30-6 with no pay. I thought that was illegal so I ended up quitting at the end of August. However, the experience was interesting as I was responsible for coffee runs and organizing clothes.
In early July, I took a pre college summer course at F.I.T for fashion forecasting. What was interesting was that we did a lot of hands on work, meaning we went to local fashion stores to observe trends. I also met a lot of new people who surprisingly were from all over the world!