Monday, November 23, 2015

The Evolution of Fashion

                                                               Final image right above
My concept is the evolution of fashion. Each person on the runway represents a specific time period in history. As you can see, the opacity of each person changes. The more translucent the person is, the less relevant the fashion is in society. The farthest person away represents 1920's fashion and specifically the fashion for "flappers"(a fashionable young woman intent on enjoying herself and flouting conventional standards of behavior). The second woman farthest away represents the elegant fashion in the 1950's. The third woman represents patterns and bold colors in the 1970's and the closest person represents the swimwear fashion in the 2000's. As the years go by, you may notice that woman are wearing less and bolder clothing as a sign of self expression. 
I am happy with my results. While I was able to show the changes of fashion, this project reflected my skills in graphic design. As a beginner I feel like I'm already improving even though things aren't perfect.I am satisfied! 
One of the tools that I used a lot in my project was the clone stamp tool. The original background image included two models already on the runway. At first, I tried to cover one of the models with the swimwear model I pasted in. You can see this above in photo #2. To get rid of the model from the background, I used the clone stamp tool. By doing so, I cloned the color of the runway, and erased the model. As the upper body was still visible, I cloned the audience as well as the grey/black above them so the background didn't look blank. Then I used the stone clamp tool again to make the empty space above the audience black. This helped emphasize the models and made them bolder. In addition, the original background image had a logo where the models were coming out from. I wanted to get rid of this so I used the clone stamp tool to make that entire space white. This also made the models look bolder. 


  1. Your concept is very interesting and profound! Your editing makes the runway look very realistic!

  2. WOW PRI, VERY conceptual. I like how you used opacity to indicate how old the fashion is!


    2. Hi Pria!!! I know I'm not in your graphic class but I LOVE THIS!!!!! good job!!
