Saturday, September 26, 2015

Me and my summer

My name is Priscilla Pappas. I am from New York City, born and raised, and I am currently attending Millennium High School. At age 16, I enjoy doing a bunch of things; hanging out with friends, running, shopping, and getting involved with my community!

This is my summer in three pictures!
 In august, I went to Las Vegas for a few weeks to visit my dad since he lives there. I went to the pool, tanned a lot and went to Lake Mead which was so relaxing. Vegas may seem like only a party scene to many, but to me it's a way to escape from all the stress and relax in a suburban environment.
 During the summer,  I also interned at a fashion store called Vfiles. It was honestly a ton of work! I worked from 10:30-6 with no pay. I thought that was illegal so I ended up quitting at the end of August. However, the experience was interesting as I was responsible for coffee runs and organizing clothes.
In early July, I took a pre college summer course at F.I.T for fashion forecasting. What was interesting was that we did a lot of hands on work, meaning we went to local fashion stores to observe trends. I also met a lot of new people who surprisingly were from all over the world!